Thursday, March 01, 2007

Candora is a robot and he has a broken foot and he had a big tube accident because he wasn't supposed to warp in there, he's from Egypt, Africa

Leaving the drawing aside for a moment, let us focus on the title. Grant often provides poetic titles for his work, see "When the sun grows up he'll get blue", or "A bear walks to food" , this title on the other hand is so descriptive and accurate that there is almost no need for an image. If you were to think of a robot named Candora, would you imagine him any differently? What would a big tube accident look like? I can't imagine anything other than a blue spiral shooting from a robot's trunk. He hobbles ackwardly in his cast through a sandy toned page, just as the references to Egypt, Africa and broken foot demand. His drawing trancends culture and experience, an eskimo and a wall street trader would call the same vision to mind upon hearing the title.


brooklyn said...

creative genius.

leslie said...

hi. i happened upon your blog today. i haven't read that many blogs other than my friends, however i have to say- yours is my new favorite to date! i am now an avid granteeny fan.

Joe said...

Thanks, I'm trying to get back into posting more regularly, but we have a one month old baby, so I just don't have the time.

leslie said...

congratulations! i'm sure the new one will provide inspiration for grant- and perhaps follow in big brother's footsteps someday.